Readathons, Uncategorized

#StartOnYourShelfathon TBR

I don’t even have too much of a problem with buying books, but i do have one for the library-so you can bet I’m going to be using this for both the library and my shelves. CW @ The Quiet Pond is hosting this, and I really feel like this is a great way to actually read these books that we’ve been collecting over the years.

I’m actually going to use separate categorizes as it’d be a lot easier for me

Add a heading

Image result for the electric heirImage result for tigers not daughtersImage result for the gravity of usImage result for loveboat taipeiImage result for beyond the shadowed earth

Add a heading (1).png

Image result for trials of apolloImage result for trials of apolloImage result for trials of apolloImage result for chronicles of narniaImage result for quests of gloryImage result for the young elites seriesImage result for the young elites series

Add a heading (2).png

Image result for stormfall chroniclesImage result for stormfall chroniclesImage result for the unadjustedsImage result for sword of kaigenImage result for esme's wishImage result for if only... Dahlia Karlin

Add a heading (3)

Image result for map of daysImage result for the beautifulImage result for rebel marie luImage result for realm of ashImage result for court of fives

Image result for pink star: ARC’s

Image result for red star: Author Requests/Blog Tours

Image result for white star: My books

star2.png: My goal

Related image: Library Books

Orange Flower Icon Floral Logo

Are you participating in the #StartOnYourShelfathon? Have you read any of these books? Tell me in the comments!

4 thoughts on “#StartOnYourShelfathon TBR”

  1. my college-student budget and I feel that library dependency – I’m so grateful that my local library has ebooks, so I don’t even have to leave the house to get more books 😅

    dividing up your TBR into categories is a great idea! I might have to borrow it, since my own list is just a huge pile that is honestly scaring me, lol. I need to catch up on the Apollo books; the Young Elites is a pretty great series too, and I can’t wait for Loveboat Taipei to be released!

    best of luck for this readathon! 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Loveboat, Taipei is such a good book 😍😍😍😍. And I probably sould catch up on the Apollo books also, I haven’t even picked up the first book yet.

      Liked by 1 person

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